HIGH SCHOOL - 13/17 year olds Responsability for preserving the Earth

"Saving the world". It sounds like a huge task- and indeed it is. The term "sustainability" is on everyone's lips, but what does "living sustainably" truly entail? What does it mean to you, and what does it portend for the future? Does it involve reducing air travel, making more sensible dietary choices, or favouring local products?

How can we preserve the Earth's resources to ensure that forthcoming generations can continue to thrive in this world? What implications does this hold for our daily lives? And how does it affect our relationship with life, nature, technology, and travel? What needs to change in this area? Success can only be achieved through collective effort. What does it mean to you, and to all of us, to acknowledge our responsibilities to guarantee a future for this Earth?

Show us what sustainability means to you. You can use any creative means to express your ideas - even a combination of techniques.

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