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Request an appointment at the branch

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During your appointment, please bring the following documents, which are essential for opening an account:

  • Luxembourg identity document / Luxembourgish residence permit (for Luxembourg residents of non-EU nationality)

  • Certificate of residence (< 3 months) (c.f.

  • If not resident in Luxembourg: TIN (Tax Identification Number)

Depending on your situation, other documents may be required.

  • For paid employment: Salary slip or employment contract
  • For an account used for a self-employed activity: Establishment authorisation / Documentary evidence
  • For a student: Certificate of studies or other proof of studies (e.g. AideFi grant/loan)


One of our advisors will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a date after submitting this form.

Layout Block - Block Reference – Ouverture compte - Agence

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Required Field


For more information on the processing of personal data please consult the Information Note on the protection of personal data for customers of the Bank available on the Bank's website under the heading "Data Protection".

The data requested in the form must all be filled in in order to allow the participant to make an appointment.