How do I activate my new credit card in order to use it?

The new card you will receive will be deactivated. To activate it, go to an ATM* or a shop/business, insert your card into the terminal and enter your PIN. Once your card is activated, you can also make online purchases.

(*) Cash withdrawel fees will be applied.

Will the design of the Visa credit cards change?

Yes – the design of Banque Raiffeisen’s Visa credit cards has been completely refreshed:

  • Visual: The new visuals are a nod to biodiversity and nature
  • Contours: The cards’ contours are colourful so that you can spot them more easily in your wallet
  • Quick read: All essential information (card number, cardholder’s name, expiry date, CVC/CVV code) is shown on the back of the card
  • Environmentally responsible: The pledge written on the back of the card “I support action against climate change” reminds you of how you contribute, by using your card, to environmentally responsible principles

Will contactless be activated for the credit cards?

Yes. As soon as your new card is activated, it will also work in contactless mode.

To activate your card, go to an ATM or a shop/business, insert your card into the terminal and enter your PIN.

What insurance and services are linked to my credit cards?

Will my new Visa card be automatically enrolled with 3D Secure, or will I have to register it myself on R-Net?

If you have an R-Net contract, your new Visa credit card will be automatically enrolled with 3D Secure. Your card will not work with 3D Secure without an R-Net contract.

I get an error message during an e-commerce transaction with my credit card, what should I check?

  1. As a cardholder, you must have logged into your R-Net e-banking at least once using a LuxTrust Token or LuxTrust Mobile. If you log in with a LuxTrust Stick or Smartcard, contact your advisor. They can help you order a LuxTrust Token.
  2. Check if 3D Secure is active for your card. (3D Secure is a secure online credit card payment technology. Read more about 3D Secure ...). Check in your R-Net in the "Cards" tab if the status of the 3D Secure badge on your card's line says "3D Secure active". Please note that only the cardholder can check the enrollment of his own cards in his own R-Net contract.
  3. Check if you have made at least one transaction in a store or at an ATM by inserting your card in the terminal (with PIN entry)

If the problem persists, please contact our helpdesk and indicate the date, time and amount of the transaction.

Which Banque Raiffeisen credit cards are included in the new range and why are they eco-friendly?

This new range of sustainable cards, unique in Luxembourg, consists of 3 different Visa credit cards:

  • Visa Classic
  • Visa Gold
  • Visa Platinum

Thanks to these new credit cards, you can commit to environmental causes: for every 200 transactions made using any of Banque Raiffeisen’s Visa credit cards, a tree is planted in Luxembourg or Bangladesh.

This way, all Banque Raiffeisen Visa credit card holders contribute to preserving biodiversity and combating global warming.

More information 

Are all transactions using a Banque Raiffeisen Visa credit card taken into account for planting trees?

All physical and online transactions made using a Banque Raiffeisen Visa credit card are taken into account for planting trees, regardless of whether you make these transactions in Luxembourg or abroad.

As a member, is there any other way I can help plant trees?

As a member of Banque Raiffeisen, you can also exchange 1,000 OPERA points for the planting of one tree.

Can I see how many trees have been planted thanks to Banque Raiffeisen Visa credit cards and exchanges of OPERA points?

We have put in place a specific counter to keep track of how many trees have been planted thanks to Banque Raiffeisen Visa credit cards, and how many have been planted through exchanging OPERA points. You can find the counter here:

This counter is updated every month.

In what way has the OPERA PLUS offer changed due to the new Visa credit cards?

We have expanded OPERA PLUS to also cover the Visa Platinum credit card.

The Visa credit cards included in OPERA PLUS are:

  • Visa Gold: standard OPERA PLUS tariff
  • Visa Platinum: standard OPERA PLUS tariff plus surchage of 4,50€ monthly

I hold the Green Code Study package. Which Visa credit card is included with it?

The following Visa credit card is included in the Green Code Study package:

  • Visa Classic

I don’t have a Banque Raiffeisen credit card yet. What should I do?

To apply for a credit card, contact us either by phone on 2450-1000 or by using our form.