1. What is 3D Secure?
3D Secure is a secure technology for online credit card payments, used on websites displaying the following logos:
This initiative aims to reduce the fraudulent use of credit cards on the Internet by introducing additional security for online purchases. When making online purchases, you must validate the payment using LuxTrust Mobile, to ensure that it is you, the cardholder, who orders the payment and not a fraudster.
2. Do all e-commerce websites use 3D Secure?
No. The decision to join 3D Secure or not rests with online merchants.
3. Why 3D Secure?
This initiative of the European Central Bank aims to reduce the fraudulent use of credit cards on the Internet by introducing additional security for online purchases. This new version is designed to meet the requirements of the European Payment Services Directive (PSD2).
4. What's different?
From January 2021 onwards, credit card payments on the Internet will have to be more secure, and this will involve the mandatory use of the 3D Secure service.
A one-time use code valid only for the current transaction is always requested for each online purchase. 3D Secure allows you to validate your online purchases using Luxtrust products known as "Signing Servers" (Luxtrust Mobile).
5. How is the one-time use code transmitted?
You will be able to validate your online purchases in complete safety by using the same LuxTrust certificate that you use to connect to your R-Net (only Luxtrust products known as "Signing Servers", i.e.Luxtrust Mobile - are accepted for 3D Secure).
6. What type of credit card can 3D Secure be used for?
You can register to 3D Secure for each of your VISA or Mastercard credit cards.
7. Can 3D Secure be activated on a business/corporate credit card?
Yes, all VISA and Mastercard credit cards can be registered to 3D Secure. All you need to do is sign up for an R-Net contract to use the same Luxtrust product for 3D secure (Luxtrust Mobile).
8. Can 3D Secure be used with a debit card?
No. 3D Secure does not work with debit cards but only with VISA and Mastercard credit cards, which are offered on most e-commerce websites around the world.