
First LuxTrust authentication with Raiffeisen
If you have a LuxTrust certificate (Smartcard, Stick or Token) and you have installed the LuxTrust middleware and Java application, you can proceed with your first LuxTrust authentication with Raiffeisen: click on R-Net Login then on LuxTrust Login and follow the instructions on screen.

Luxtrust installation

  • Installation of the LuxTrust middleware (Smartcard and Signing Stick only). LuxTrust middleware is essential if you want to use your LuxTrust certificate. Download the middleware: https://www.luxtrust.com/en/middleware 
  • Java installation (Smartcard and Signing Stick only). Java 6 (minimum) must be installed and active in your browser. You can check your system’s Java installation here: https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp

Java installation (free): http://www.java.com