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Tax Optimisation

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Less tax, more for the future.

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You can benefit from some attractive tax incentives if you save via a life assurance policy, a pension plan or a housing savings account.

Our lawmakers want to encourage people to put money aside to protect their nearest and dearest, boost their pension or prepare for a property investment.

Whatever your personal situation, Raiffeisen has a solution to help you make the most of all these opportunities. 


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Home savings account

Put money aside so you can buy a house later on and deduct €672 or €1,344 per person from your tax bill, depending on the age of the youngest saver.

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R-Pension & R-Vie Pension insurance plans

Save for your pension and deduct €3,200 from your taxes per year and regardless of the taxpayer's age (following the amendments to article 111bis L.I.R. on pension savings).

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R-Junior insurance and savings account

Put money aside for your children and deduct €672 per person in your household.

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R-Vie Protect insurance

Use our R-Vie Protect life insurance product to save, plan and reduce your tax burden depending on your situation. 

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An overview of the possibilities for tax optimisation with the products on offer

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Product Deductible amount
Home savings account*

≤ 40 years of age: €1,344 per person in the household

> 40 years of age: €672 per person in the household

R-Pension/R-Vie Pension insurance plans 

€3,200 per year and regardless of the taxpayer's age

R-Junior or R-Vie Protect insurance €672 per person in the household

* N.B.: The age is the age of the youngest adult saver on 1st January of the year in question 

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Don’t delay: start thinking about how to optimise your tax burden so you don’t have to take last-minute action at the end of the year.

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous pour utiliser la totalité ou une partie seulement de vos points.

FIND OUT MORE Tax Optimisation

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Where to find us

Raiffeisen has branches all over Luxembourg so you will be able to find a branch or ATM wherever you are.

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We are here to answer your questions and can put you in contact with the right people depending on your requirements.

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