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State-guaranteed student loan
Up to 10 years to repay An interest-free advance available Attractive interest rates The state-guaranteed student loan is a form of State aid for students, who must start repayments no more than two years after the end of their studies.

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Let's you focus on your studies

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To provide you with the flexibility you need to make the most of your life as a student, Raiffeisen offers the complementary Study PLUS loan for an amount up to €15,000(in annual instalments of €2,500 for six years) at an advantageous rate of interest. You can choose the state-guaranteed student loan only or combine it with a Study Plus loan. In both cases, you only need to start paying it back once you have finished your course.

So make the most of your life as a student in the meantime!

When you sign for a student loan, Raiffeisen gives you 1,000 OPERA points, which you can exchange for cinema tickets

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Use a student loan to finance your studies and make the most of the Green Code Study advantages.

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous pour utiliser la totalité ou une partie seulement de vos points.

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How the state-guaranteed student loan works

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To obtain a student loan, the student must first send a written application to the relevant department at the Ministry for Higher Education, the CEDIES.

When the student receives a letter of acceptance from CEDIES, Raiffeisen can grant the loan amount to the student.

2 years after the end of the student’s course, all the amounts advanced are consolidated in a single loan to be repaid by instalments within 10 years. 

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