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How to optimise your tax return?

Every year you’ve got to face filing a tax return. Although for most of us this is a real chore, an optimised tax return means money saved. 

Three banking solutions that optimise your taxes.

Today, there are many ways to mitigate your tax burden and it is sometimes difficult to find your way around. To make things clearer, here are three financial products that you can use to plan for the future in a more serene manner and still deduct up to €5,216 from your taxes.

Key points of this article :

  • Home savings products for deductions of up to €3,200
  • Pensions insurance contracts for deductions of up to €1,344
  • Insurance premiums for deductions of up to €672

Insurance premiums

Preparing your children for their adult life or looking forward to your own future with peace of mind can also help you optimise your taxes! Indeed, the premiums of certain insurance policies take this benefit into account fully. For example, premiums for life, accident, disability, illness and liability insurance are tax deductible. Here too, a maximum deductible amount of €672 per year and per person applies.


Home savings

With a home savings contract, you build up a reserve of money which will enable you to get loans at favourable interest rates to finance your home, depending on accumulated savings. Contributions to a home savings contract that build up a capital sum are deductible up to €1,344 per year and per person. However, after the age of 40, this amount falls to €672 per person.

Contrat épargne-logement pour déduire 1344€ de sa base imposable


Pension plan products 

We don't always think about it right away, but a scheme for retirement should be set up as soon as possible. A pension plan, in addition to the compulsory social security scheme and the supplementary scheme sometimes set up by the employer, will help you build up a valuable financial reserve to live your pension to the fullest and provide you peace of mind. Contributions to a pension contract are deductible against your taxable income up to €3,200 per year and per taxpayer.


Conclusion ...

As you can see, optimising your tax return is not so complicated as long as you build up a financial reserve with the help of suitable banking products, which will enable you to protect your loved ones, supplement your retirement or save for the purchase of your future home. A brief summary of the different deductible amounts:

Product Amount deductible
Home savings contracts

≤ 40  years old : €1.344 per household member

> 40  years old : €672 per household member

Pension plans products : R-Pension/ R-Vie Pension

€3.200 per taxpayer
Life insurance : R-Junior or R-Vie Protect €672 per household member


Our advisors will be happy to provide more information to steer you towards the most suitable solutions for reducing your taxes as much as possible. To find out more about our banking products book an appointment with an advisor. 

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