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Good things come in threes: Banque Raiffeisen relabelled ESR in 2021

Banque Raiffeisen has just been awarded the ESR label by the INDR, the National Institute for Sustainable Development and CSR, in 2021, after an initial award in 2014 and again in 2017.

This prestigious label, awarded by the leading CSR player in Luxembourg, crowns the continuous efforts made by Raiffeisen in terms of sustainable development and CSR.

As Yves Biewer, Chairman of the Management Board, points out, “It is by virtue of our transversal CSR/ESG strategy, which encompasses all of the Bank's business lines and activities, as well as our products and services, that we are able to achieve this level of expertise in terms of sustainable development and CSR. As a result, not only do we retain the label, but we improve our score with each assessment.”


The centrepiece of the latest developments in the area of CSR within the Bank is the launch of the first extra-financial report at the beginning of 2021. In addition to the de facto transparency of Banque Raiffeisen's efforts in sustainability and CSR issues, the extra-financial report also significantly facilitates the execution of the external audit in the course of the ESR certification. In fact, the extra-financial report provides a comprehensive overview of the Bank's CSR/ESG initiatives.


“Although the production of an extra-financial report is not a legal obligation for a cooperative bank in Luxembourg, it is a central tool for Banque Raiffeisen's ESG strategy. Indeed, as our initiatives are presented, detailed and structured, the exercise allowed us to highlight the Bank's maturity in all aspects of sustainable development and CSR. We are proud to see our actions in this area recognised and rewarded by a leading CSR player, the INDR,” explains Jacques Hoffmann, Head of ESG at Banque Raiffeisen.