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New Year’s Resolutions - How to make them stick

Lose weight, live a healthier lifestyle and stop smoking. We all know these classic New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, these usually don’t last very long. We'll show you why so many people fail and how you can make sure to reach your goals...

The New Year has just begun and, as every year, most of us have made some good resolutions. Lose a few kilos, work out more often or start saving money – the same procedure at each turn of the year. Unfortunately a lot of these resolutions don’t last very long and fail after a short period of time. We'll show you why this is the case and how you can make sure that this year, you will keep your resolutions.

The reason we do not stick to our resolutions.

A resolution is not a goal 

"Lose weight". Sure, as a resolution, this sounds great. Unfortunately, a resolution or intent is not the same as a goal. Therefore: Define exact goals you want to reach and set corresponding time frames for them. Example: "I want to lose 10 kilos this year". That sounds a lot better.

The steps we want to take to reach our goal are not clearly defined

Having a goal is good, but you also need to think about how you want to achieve that goal. Even Goethe summed up aptly: "Willing is not enough, we must do". So plan concrete steps and implement them, because only then will you be able to keep your resolutions – I mean goals.

Lack of perseverance and self-discipline 

Unfortunately, success usually does not come overnight. In other words: perseverance and self-discipline are required! And that is exactly one of the biggest obstacles to success. Do not throw in the towel at the first setback and stay on top of things.

The goals are set too high 

To set your goals high is important. However, they should always be within reach. Because people who set their goals too high are more likely to get demotivated quickly and thus give up. Ideally, you are also setting intermediate objectives. This allows you to reach goals more often and thus getting a sense of achievement regularly.

There is a lack of time 

There's no use in setting goals and planning steps you want to undertake if you do not end up taking the time to tackle them. Create time resources in which you can devote yourself to actively work on your resolutions. Don’t get distracted by the stress of daily business or private life.


How to do it right! 

To sum up, here are the tips you should take into account if you want to keep this year’s resolutions / reach your goals.

  • Set a specific goal (and not a general resolution) and set intermediate objectives.
  • Define steps to achieve your goal.
  • Find allies who are pursuing the same goal.
  • Start!
  • Do not give up!